Leaving Your Lasting Legacy

To sustain the magnitude of our work is a tremendous challenge and yet, so necessary as we move forward meeting the needs of Bradford County. A planned gift will enable you to make a significant gift for our endowment, operations or programs while also reducing the taxable portion of your estate.
The support we receive from annual gifts is critical. But a legacy gift is like a support system we can count on to help us
continue our mission for generations to come.
Focusing on the Future there are many ways to give to United Way of Bradford County:
A Gift in Your Will: Just as you arrange for the financial and personal security of loved ones, so can you provide for the ongoing work of the United Way Bradford County through a will. Gifts by bequest can assist in such areas as endowment, capital needs and program development, connecting you with the United Way in a very special way for years to come.
A Gift in a Trust: A trust enables you to make a significant gift to the United Way while receiving income from capital, securities or other property and significant tax advantages. The unitrust and annuity trust, two of the most common charitable trusts, provide income to you during your lifetime and, if you so choose, the lifetime of a beneficiary.
A Gift in Appreciated Long-Term Securities: These gifts may enable you to avoid capital gains tax while taking a charitable deduction for the full value of the stock.
A Gift in Personal Property: An outright gift of your residence, vacation home or other real estate to the United Way qualifies you for a charitable deduction. This type of gift may also enable you to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of the property.
A Gift in Retirement Assets: Designating the United Way of Bradford County as a beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement plan can help reduce income and estate taxes.
A Gift in Life Insurance: The gift of a new or existing life insurance policy allows you to create a substantial gift to United Way of Bradford County irrespective of your present assets or estate and can help reduce income and estate taxes.
This information is intended to provide general gift planning information only. Please consult your own legal and financial advisor for specific legal, tax or investment advice before making any gift.
For more information about planning your gift, please contact Roberta Coleman, Executive Director at (570) 485-5485 or email rcoleman@unitedwaybradfordcounty.org